Saturday, June 13, 2015

The top of the mountain

As I've walked throughout my life, I've always thought about trying to reach a certain destination.  A certain place that will bring me peace and joy.  An experience that will finally allow me to feel freedom.  To have fulfillment and purpose.  To reach the top of the mountain.  As I strive to get there I'm always coming up short.  It seems pointless most of the time to even continue pursuing this "place".  Is this "destination" a true reality of life?  Can I get to the top and have my soul be able to rest for the first time?  To be able to take a deep breath of this fresh air where the problems of this world don't exist?  The answer to these questions is yes, but how I get "there" is completely different then I ever thought.

Last night, I was blessed by a friend (Ryan Nesbitt) who took time out of his day to make sure I was ok.  I've been going through some different struggles and needed to air out some of these issues with a close buddy.  As we were talking through everything, Ryan said something that helped to change my perspective on how I view God, and in turn, view life.  He said that the view of life where we're trying to reach the mountain top, but can't ever seem to get there is actually upside down to where we are with Christ.  You see, we are already on top of the mountain.  At all times we are up there with Christ, victorious.  Not because of any of the striving we have done or any of the hard work we have put into our walk with Him, but because of what He's done.  God has lifted us up and placed us on the highest peak, accomplishing for us what we never could.

This is a completely different view that I've never had.  I've never viewed myself as victorious.  I've always thought that I'm trying to reach that peak.  Trying desperately to get to Christ, but being too weak to get there.  Yes the analogies of the valley and climbing up the mountain still apply, but in this instance the thought of Christ already winning allows me to see the enemy in a completely different light.  If He's already won and I'm already at the peak, I can live in victory throughout the storms and struggles of this life.  I don't have to look at every mistake and every misstep with the thought that I'll never get there.  The negative ideas about never measuring up to who God has called me to be.  Sanctification is a long and trying process that doesn't end until death, but it won't happen at all if I don't believe that God has already given me victory.

This life is hard enough to navigate through, I don't need to make it harder.  I have been given a place in the kingdom of God that cannot be taken from me.  Yes, satan will try to pull me back down from the mountain and life will still be full of struggles, but I will now be staring down at him standing next to God, rather than trying to look up at God, thinking I'll never get to Him.  I'm already with Him...You are already with Him.  He died so we could be intimate with Him.  Next to Him everyday, walking in the victory of His son.  It is time to live that way.  It is time to live forgiven.  It is time to live free in the One who has already made us that way.

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