Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why did I start this?

I've never really thought about starting a blog before.  I'm not a fancy writer or an extreme intellectual guy.  I just enjoy to write, not necessarily the process of writing, but the end result.  Writing for me is an outlet, something I need to do.  I need to get my thoughts on paper and I also want to share some of them.  I love to discuss topics and continue to learn and grow.  My main objective is to continually walk towards the truth of the gospel of Christ.  To continually seek after Him everyday and this is a way to do that.  I'd love for people to read this and begin to think/ponder thoughts that they have, even if they disagree with mine.  I'm not all knowing and don't have incredible wisdom, but God does and the thoughts that I write down are here to help in the process of growing towards Him.

I am not one to check my work while I journal I just do it and see what happens, it helps me think.  I've been in a funk this year and have struggled with different issues that have caused me to be afraid to think, afraid to open my mind for fear of what thought would enter my head, but God is bigger than that.  Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real and if we let it control us, we're done and our true potential will never be met.  So here it is, the thoughts of an ordinary man living in a small town, seeking after his Creator.  Hope this is an enjoyable read and if not, cool I'm just going to keep on writing.

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