I've had the opportunity twice over the last 4 days to hear a lady speak about her life in Indonesia as a Christian Missionary. She has impacted me greatly. Her name is Ann Grinnell.
Over the years, having gone to church since I was born, I've heard plenty of missionaries speak. They've all had cool stories about what life is like where they had been, and the incredible stories of Jesus and the way He was changing that area. To be quite honest, however, for a long time I'd thought: "If you've heard one missionary, you've heard them all." They'd all say similar things, and it was all good (don't let me sound like I dislike missionaries or am against hearing them speak) it just never gripped me to my core. Lots of circumstances could factor into that, such as, where I'm at in life, my walk with God, or if I was open to hearing the Spirit on that day. Regardless of why, it never happened...until this week.
Ann, to me, was different. Different than any person I've ever met in my entire life. Everything about her exemplifies what she is about, which is Jesus Christ. Her life is a true reflection of a close relationship with our savior. It may be hard to quantify in a blog, but to see a 69 year old lady (who's about ready to retire), speak as passionately about Jesus to middle and high school kids, was nothing short of amazing.
I don't know why I'm writing this or if I even have a point, other than to say that's who Jesus wants us to be. The true reflection of Him that Ann has grown to be over her 40 years of ministry in Indonesia. 40 freaking years! Praise God. Thank you Ann for the impact you've had on so many lives, mine included.